Green chilli prices fall by Tk250-300 per kg in Satkhira as import from India begins


TBS Report
03 July, 2023, 10:50 am
Last modified: 03 July, 2023, 11:01 am

The price of local green chillies fell by Tk250-300 per kilogramme in the wholesale markets of Satkhira today as import of the culinary commodity began from India yesterday. 

Green chillies were being sold at Tk200 per kg in Sultanpur Bazaar of Satkhira on Monday (3 July), which were being sold at Tk450-500 per kg on Sunday (2 July). 

"Price of green chilli has fallen in one day. Today, local green chilli was sold at the wholesale price of Tk200 per kg. Yesterday it was sold for Tk450-500. The price has come down mainly due to the import of Indian green chillies," Sultanpur Raw Material Traders Association General Secretary Abdur Rahim Babu told The Business Standard. 

70 metric tonnes of Indian green chillies were imported through Bhomra port in Satkhira in seven trucks yesterday. 

"There is a possibility of importing 10-15 truckloads of green chillies today. I think that will stabilise the prices of green chillies in the market," General Secretary of Bhomra C&F Agent Association Maqsud Khan said. 


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