US woman searches for 'Luxury prisons for rich' after killing husband


TBS Report
14 June, 2023, 10:05 am
Last modified: 14 June, 2023, 10:08 am

A US woman who allegedly killed her husband by poisoning had googled extensively about 'luxury prisons for the rich' and how long it takes life insurance companies to pay.

Kouri Richins, a 33-year-old Utah woman and a mother of three is charged with the murder of her husband,  Eric Richins, with a lethal dose of fentanyl in March 2022, an NDTV report cites KTVX.

"She searched the internet for information about Utah's penitentiaries, as well as 'luxury prisons for the rich in America'," the report said.

She also searched for information on how long life insurance companies take to pay claimants, lie detector tests, whether investigators can see deleted messages, and if the cause of death can be changed on a death certificate.

After her Google searches emerged, the judge at a detention hearing called her a "substantial danger" to society and ordered her to remain behind bars.

However, her defence attorney says she was simply researching her case to see how evidence is processed, adding "There's nothing there that indicates guilt,", NDTV cites a BBC report.

Eric Richins died hours after his wife, Kouri Richins gave him a spiked drink with fentanyl in March 2022. She was arrested last month.



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