Ebadot Hossain ruled out of the rest of white-ball series due to a knee injury 


TBS Report
09 July, 2023, 08:50 pm
Last modified: 09 July, 2023, 09:00 pm
Ebadot injured his knee during the 42nd over of Afghanistan's innings. He walked off the field after he collided with the umpire on his run-up. His right elbow brushed the umpire, which caused him to break momentum which twisted his knee.

Bangladesh fast bowler Ebadot Hossain Chowdhury has been ruled out of Tuesday's last ODI and the T20i series against Afghanistan due to a left knee injury picked up in the second match at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury Stadium on Saturday. A Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) press release confirmed.

Ebadot injured his knee during the 42nd over of Afghanistan's innings. He walked off the field after he collided with the umpire on his run-up. His right elbow brushed the umpire, which caused him to break momentum which twisted his knee.

He had an MRI right after that. The report didn't anything serious and it will take about two weeks to recover.

Bangladesh team physio Muzadded Alpha Sany said: "The MRI suggests that this is not a major injury. We expect him to recover in about two weeks' time. He will remain with the team as he does his rehab."

Bangladesh have already lost the series and will look for a consolation win on Tuesday. Thee T20I series begins on 14 July at Sylhet.


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