UN Global Compact Network organises workshop at ULAB


Press Release
21 June, 2023, 08:25 pm
Last modified: 21 June, 2023, 08:41 pm
Photo: PR

The United Nations Global Compact Network Bangladesh (UN GCNB) delivered a workshop on "Fostering Good Citizenship and Ethical Values Among University Students" for the BBA students on 15 June at the ULAB Campus.

The workshop was designed to pave the way for encouraging students to be aware of corruption and its negative impact on society, reads a press release.

Students are future leaders and citizens will be able to build knowledge and skills necessary to make responsible and ethical decisions in their personal and professional lives, said speakers at the workshop.

The Global Compact has been initiated by the United Nations as the world's largest sustainability platform. It encourages businesses and organisations worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies and practices.

One of the key areas of focus for the UNGC is combating corruption and promoting integrity.

This initiative is promoted through the 75 local networks operating in 165 countries.

The primary objectives of the workshop are to help students understand the meaning and significance of good citizenship and ethical values – to provide practical examples of how ethical values and good citizenship can be applied in daily life; to facilitate discussions and interactive activities that promote critical thinking and self-reflection; and to encourage students to develop a personal action plan for incorporating ethical values and good citizenship into their lives.




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