Trade union leaders hold meeting in Dhaka


Press Release
26 July, 2023, 08:35 pm
Last modified: 26 July, 2023, 08:40 pm
Md Mominul Haque, president of the Krishi Bank Employees Union-CBA, presided over the meeting on Monday

Leaders of the Dhaka Metropolitan Trade Union Coordination Council, an affiliate organisation of the Bangladesh Jatiya Sramik League, attended a meeting at the office of the Krishi Bank Employees Union-CBA recently.

Md Mominul Haque, president of the Krishi Bank Employees Union-CBA, presided over the meeting on Monday, according to a press statement.

Jatiya Sramik League Central Committee President Md Alauddin Mia attended the event as the chief guest. The committee's Vice-president Md Mohsin Bhuiyan was present there as a special guest.

Besides, 48 basic and national union presidents and general secretaries also attended the event.

The programme was moderated by United Garments Federation General Secretary Md Nurul Islam.



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