‘IFIC Largest Banking Network Business Conference’ held at Sylhet


Press Release
27 April, 2024, 04:00 pm
Last modified: 27 April, 2024, 04:04 pm

IFIC Bank PLC, the largest bank in the country in terms of branch-uposhakha, hosted the 'IFIC Largest Banking Network Business Conference' on Friday, 26 April 2024, at a conference hall in Sylhet. 

The event, attended by Managing Director & CEO Shah Alam Sarwar as the chief guest, brought together bank employees from the greater Sylhet region. 

Md. Rafiqul Islam, deputy managing director and head of Branch Business, delivered the welcome speech. 

During the program, Shah Alam Sarwar, managing director & chief executive officer of the Bank, presented awards to employees from respective branches and uposhakhas recognizing their roles in deposit collection, loan disbursement, and loan recovery. 

Shah Alam Sarwar in his speech highlighted the remarkable growth of IFIC Bank's deposits over the past 11 years. He noted that there has been a 400 per cent increase in deposits and expressed his hope that it would reach 500 percent by next June.

Sarwar also shared the success stories of IFIC Uposhakha, which commenced operation in 2019 as 'Neighborhood Banking'. He urged all officers to strive for self-development in tandem with the evolution of technology and the banking sector.


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