70% of patients who died during 4th Covid wave were unvaccinated: DGHS DG

Covid-19 in Bangladesh

TBS Report 
24 July, 2022, 03:20 pm
Last modified: 24 July, 2022, 03:23 pm

Around 70% of the people who died due to Covid-19 during the pandemic's fourth wave were unvaccinated, says Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) Director General (DG) Professor Dr Abul Bashar Mohammad Khurshid Alam.

He revealed the information while addressing the press at an event held at Hotel Ornate in Dhaka on Sunday.

The DGHS DG said, "The [Covid-19] vaccines have been developed after a lot of research and testing. It certainly has benefits. 

"Although it doesn't make someone completely immune to the virus but does provide protection. Most of those who have been infected with coronavirus in recent times didn't have to be hospitalised."

He said, "Some 70% of the people who died due to the deadly virus during the fourth wave were not vaccinated. It was never said that people will not die after taking the vaccine. But it does provide some protection against Covid-19."


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