China reports zero new Covid deaths for Dec 20 vs 5 day earlier

Coronavirus chronicle

21 December, 2022, 09:15 am
Last modified: 21 December, 2022, 09:30 am

China reported no new Covid-19 deaths for December 20, compared with five the previous day, but the nation's fatalities were revised to 5,241 after removing one death in Beijing, the National Health Commission said on Wednesday.

The country reported 3,101 new symptomatic Covid infections on December 20 , compared with 2,722 a day earlier.

Excluding imported infections, China reported 3,049 new local cases, up from 2,656 a day earlier.

As of December 20, mainland China had confirmed 386,276 cases with symptoms.

Official figures have become an unreliable guide as less testing is being done across the country following the recent easing of the strict zero-Covid policy.


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