Incepta gets sublicence to produce Molnupiravir for 105 countries


TBS Report
22 January, 2022, 06:50 pm
Last modified: 22 January, 2022, 07:00 pm
The antiviral pill showed almost 90% efficacy in preventing hospitalisations and deaths in high-risk patients

Incepta Pharmaceuticals has received a sublicence from the Medicine Patent Pool (MPP) to produce Covid drug Molnupiravir for 105 low and middle-income countries.

US drugmaker MSD and Medicines Patent Pool gave the sublicence to facilitate affordable global access for Molnupiravir use following appropriate regulatory approvals, read a press release.

Earlier, Molnupiravir received UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency approval on 4 November. 

The US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), on 22 December, granted emergency use authorisation to the drug as the first approved oral therapy for Covid-19 treatment.

The antiviral pill showed almost 90% efficacy in preventing hospitalisations and deaths in high-risk patients, and recent lab data suggests that the drug retains its effectiveness against the fast-spreading Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

"We would like to thank MSD and MPP for choosing Incepta with their due selection process to grant this sub-license," said Incepta Chairman and Managing Director Abdul Muktadir. 

He further said Incepta can supply this product from two of its facilities, one of which is approved by UK authorities and another one is by German authorities. 

"We have initially allocated 90 million capsules capacity for this product but if required we can allocate much more," he added.



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