Drive to be launched from Wednesday to ensure airing ad-free foreign TV channels: Info Minister


05 October, 2021, 05:55 pm
Last modified: 05 October, 2021, 05:56 pm
Mobile courts will take legal action against those found violating the conditions, he said adding “Legal steps will be taken if anyone found involved in spreading rumours.”

Information and Broadcasting Minister Hasan Mahmud has said the government will launch mobile court drive again from Wednesday to ensure that ad-free foreign TV channels get back to air.

"Mobile court drives will be conducted again from Wednesday to check whether foreign channels having clean feed are being broadcast in the country," he told a delegation of Broadcast Journalist Centre (BJC) at the Secretariat on Tuesday.

Mobile courts will take legal action against those found violating the conditions, he said adding "Legal steps will be taken if anyone found involved in spreading rumours."

There are many clean-feed foreign channels but the cable operators shut down them since October 1, he said. "Now some cable operators are airing clean-feed channels and we have given time to others for complying with the law."


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