Arafat, Mauritius IT minister for strategic action to combat misinformation


27 April, 2024, 09:50 pm
Last modified: 27 April, 2024, 09:56 pm

State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Mohammad Ali Arafat and Mauritius Information Technology, Communication and Innovation Minister Deepak Balgobin at a meeting have emphasised on strategic actions to combat the spread of misinformation through the social media.

They underpinned the need for strategic actions against the spread of misinformation as Ali Arafat paid a courtesy call on Balgobin at a city in Mauritius on Friday, said an official press release.

They also talked about mutual cooperation between Bangladesh and Mauritius over the use of satellites, the use of technology by expatriate workers to send remittances to the country, investment opportunities in Bangladesh for Mauritian investors and Bangladeshi workers in Mauritius.

On the same day, Arafat visited a spinning mill in Mauritius and inquired about the Bangladeshi workers working there and spoke to them.

The state minister left Dhaka for Mauritius on 22 April to attend the First Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking and Substance Abuse in the Western Indian Ocean in Mauritius.


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